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» Teaching
Natalie Gamsu

Teaching Credits

  • NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Art)
  • AIM (Australian Institute of Music – Sydney)
  • APO (Dance World – Melbourne)
  • Showfit (Melbourne)
  • McDonald College for the Performing Arts (Sydney)
  • Private Coaching

Natalie offers both singing classes as well as master classes in performance focusing on the interpretation of the lyric to tell the story. The joy and the art of performing a song is her passion.

As a cabaret performer for thirty years, Natalie will help you to devise and put together your own show to tell your story. Or if you have a song that you are preparing for an audition I can help you get the most out of the lyric and make sure you are being true to both the composer and the lyricist.

I also love to teach anyone who just wants to sing for the joy of singing. You need not have done any training, or have any desire to sing professionally.

I am available to teach in MELBOURNE, VIC


Natalie studied Drama in South Africa and received vocal training for eight years under the tutelage of Caroline Khella in New York. She has continued her vocal studies with the classical teacher Glenn Winslade and has begun the journey of learning the Estill method with Naomi Eyers.


Mobile: 0403 828 853
Email: ngamsu@optusnet.com.au